

Reality is always a bit further afield then the latest news

Published: 23 April 2024
Heinrich Böll, a renowned German author, achieved bestselling status with his poignant works. In 1972, he made history by becoming the first German writer to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature after World War II. His novels and stories, still widely studied in schools today, have earned him a place among the literary classics. However, the personal experiences and motivations that shaped Böll's writing remain lesser known. This concise introduction aims to shed light on the life and driving forces behind one of Germany's most influential post-war voices.
The 'Eurosceptic Internationale' at the Gates of Brussels?

The 'Eurosceptic Internationale' at the Gates of Brussels?

Published: 27 February 2024
Political Capital Institute’s latest study, in cooperation with the Heinrich-Böll Foundation, aimed to give a snapshot of the state of populist radical parties and their cooperation and the Hungarian government’s role in it, before the campaign starts for the 2024 European Parliamentary elections.
Small Modular Reaktors

Prospects of Small Modular Reactors in the Czech Republic

Published: 27 November 2023
What are the arguments in favor of Small Modular Reactors and how realistic are they? What is the chance we will see their mass construction in the Czech Republic? This publication contributes the views of experts and offers the most important findings in the topic. Its author is Professor Stephen Thomas from the University of Greenwich who has more than 25 years of experience conducting research in the field of energy policies. The current situation in the Czech Republic is described in a chapter by Edvard Sequens, the energy consultant for the Calla organization.

Feminism in Pictures: Global Feminist Pitch

Published: 6 November 2023
“Feminism in Pictures” is the result of a collaboration with seven incredible feminist illustrators from Brazil, Iran, India, Georgia, Pakistan, Turkiye, and Kenya for the Global Feminist Pitch 2023. These graphic novels are evidence of the continuing streams of feminist resistance and resilience in diverse global contexts.

Green Foreign Policy Snapshots

Published: 13 September 2023
Green foreign policy, lacking an agreed upon definition, is often misquoted and misinterpreted, narrowed down to only protecting the natural environment. In this preliminary study conducted in 2022, we attempted to see beyond scattered political opinion by analysing data. Partial or complete, a green foreign policy doctrine may be an eventuality based on these initial findings.
Reproductive justice - An Introduction

Reproductive Justice

Published: 31 August 2023
Self-determined decisions about one's own body and family planning are often influenced by laws and prevailing norms that act like barriers. This publication is an attempt to make hidden injustice visible and to fought against it. So that reproductive justice can become a reality for all.
image of Viktor Orbán walking confidently among photographers

The building of Hungarian political influence

Published: 20 January 2023
International influence-building is a legitimate goal pursued by all nations to expand their room for manoeuvre and enforce their political, security and economic interests. However, Orbán’s influence-building efforts have several specific features that differ from the practice of democratic countries. This study by Political Capital analyses Orbán’s international alliance building efforts.

Practicing Feminist Foreign Policy in the Everyday: A Toolkit

Published: 23 November 2021
Feminist foreign policy is emerging as a new paradigm in international relations. The concept raises expectations of a more peaceful and just foreign policy, but its theoretical dimension and practical implementation are often not clearly defined. This toolkit tries to close this gap and clarify key terms of feminist foreign policy, as well as outline the practical application of the feminist approach to international diplomacy, to security, environmental, development, trade and migration policy.

The Roma LGBTIQ Minority and its Status in Selected EU Countries (CZ, SK, HU)

Published: 22 December 2021
The present analytical report on the situation of LGBTIQ Roma is part of the project Roma LGBTIQ go visible: supporting activities for Roma LGBTIQ minority, implemented by ARA ART in conjunction with Quo Vadis and Diverse Youth Network, and funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first systematic research study of its kind within the European Union that provides not just theoretical, but also practical insight into multiple/intersectional discrimination with respect to the situation of LGBTIQ Roma from the perspective of public authorities and CSOs working in the field.