Cover: Climate Security Report

Climate Security Report

This report reviews the current literature on climate security and identifies the main players in this field. It also examines specific cases to highlight existing activities and the needs of actors in various contexts. Finally, it provides recommendations on how global, regional, and local actors can engage in the field of climate security, with a particular focus on addressing the needs of the global South.

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Product details
Date of Publication
February 2025
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Dialogue Office for Civil Society Cooperation
Number of Pages
Language of publication
Table of contents


1 Overview: What is the current state of research and initiatives on climate 

A - Literature 
     1 - Defining the challenges posed by climate security
         a) Climate change as a multiplier of threats
         b) The environmental impact of violent conflicts
          c) Climate security is a climate justice issue, and climate-related security risks are intersectional
     2 - What initiatives and solutions exist to meet the challenges of climate security?
          a) Main recommendations
          b) The concept of environmental peacebuilding and the critiques it faces
          c) Digital tools used in environmental peacebuilding to give access to information and to enable
          early warning
     3 - Policy initiatives and military adaptations strategies are increasingly being introduced

2 Analysis: What could be the role of local, regional and global actors on climate 

A - Interviews
     1 - Interview with Nasreen Al Amin, Director of Surge Africa
     2 - Interview with Oli Brown, Associate Fellow in the Energy, Environment and Resources department at
    Chatham House, and founder of Alp Anal
     3 - Interview with Hassan Mowlid Yasin, Executive Director and Co-Founder of the Somali Greenpeace
    Association (S
     4 - Interview with Gerty Pierre, Director of the Climate Change Department at the Haitian Ministry of the
     5 - Interview with Regine Schoenenberg, Director of the Heinrich Böll Stiftung Rio office
     6 - Interview with Siddharth Nair, Researcher, and Prerana Priyadarshi, Deputy Director, Projects, &
    Senior Researcher at the Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies (IPCS)

B - Recommendations
     1 - Publish research articles and policy papers building on the gaps identified in the literature
     2 - Become a global network of organizations working on climate security
     3 - Launch an initiative to enable organizations access long-term funding
     4 - Start small-scale projects with global south partners
     5 - Create a space for dialogue on human and climate security with the military sector
     6 - Conduct advocacy work

C- Risks to avoid
