All articles on "Green Transition"


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How to Design a City for Life

Comic book
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Prague publishes a new comic book "How to Design a City for Life?", which presents 8 areas in which more efficient planning can increase the city’s resilience. The chapters provide basic insight into topics such as energy systems, urban gardening, water retention or green transit, and the comic book could be a useful tool for local council employees, schools or activists.
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Hogyan tervezzünk (túl-)élő várost?

A Heinrich Böll Alapítvány prágai irodája bemutatja "Hogyan tervezzünk (túl-) élő várost?" című új kiadványát, amely képregény formában jár körül 8 olyan területet, amelyeken a hatékonyabb tervezés növelheti városaink ellenállóképességét az éghajlatváltozás következményeivel szemben.


Ecology and sustainable development are central areas for securing the future of humanity – areas which should by no means be treated as a political football. It is to the credit of the green movement within and outside parliaments that ecology has become one of the main arenas of politics. There is hardly another subject which, within the last 30 years, has been thus transformed from the concern of a few scientists, activists into a topic of world conferences.