Jan Charvát is an assistant professor at the Department of Political Science, Charles University in Prague. He studied political science at that same university and political sociology at Dalarna University in Sweden. He specializes in political extremism and related topics (the far right, the far left, racism, and youth subcultures, among others). He is the author of Současný politický extremismus a radikalismus [Current Political Extremism and Radicalism] (2007) as well as editor and co-author of two other books, Mikrofon je naše bomba: Politika a hudební subkultury mládeže v postsocialistickém Česku [The Microphone is Our Bomb. Politics and Music Youth Subcultures in the Post-Socialist Czech Republic] (2018) and Out of Step. Politics and Subcultures in the Post-Socialist Space (2021). He was part of the Interior Ministry’s Extremism Task Force C and currently is a member of the Expert Forum of the Mantinely demokracie [Bulwarks of Democracy] project. He is a long-time consultant for several NGOs (People in Need, In IUSTITIA) as well as government projects (Hate Free Culture) with whom he collaborates on methodological and educational materials related to extremism and radicalism.
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