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Comic book

How to Design a City for Life

8 ways to better adapt to climate change
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With the uncertain climatic, political and economic future of the upcoming decades, the vital question we need to ask is: How can we live in a way that is socially, economically and environmentally sustainable? This question is particularly important in cities, now home to more than half of the world’s population. Many regions, including ours, have been working on climate change adaptation strategies, yet there are still too few debates on specific measures that can mitigate climate change and help us adapt to it.

That is why Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Prague publishes a new comic book "How to Design a City for Life?", which presents 8 areas in which more efficient planning can increase the city’s resilience. The chapters provide basic insight into topics such as energy systems, urban gardening, water retention or green transit, and the comic book could be a useful tool for local council employees, schools or activists.

The new publication is free to download in Czech, English, Slovak and Hungarian language versions. The Czech and English versions can be also freely ordered in the printed form – just ask us at info@cz.boell.org.

Product details
Date of Publication
May 2021
HBS Praha
Number of Pages
Language of publication
ISBN: 978-80-88289-24-1