International conference: The Current Trends of Populism in Europe - A Threat to Liberal Democracy?

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We cordially invite you to the conference titled

The Current Trends of Populism in Europe

A Threat to Liberal Democracy?
18-19 May 2015
Goethe-Institut Prague, Masarykovo nábř. 32, Prague 1

The growth of contemporary European populism represents one of the most topical problems that liberal democratic states on the continent must face. To understand the nature of the success of populists on a general level and in individual countries, it is useful to examine the causes of this phenomenon during the period from the outbreak of the economic crisis to the present. The event is dedicated to a comparative analysis of individual European countries where populism in on the rise.

The conference is organised by the Institute of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague together with the Heinrich Böll Stiftung and the Goethe Institut in Prague and is under the auspices of His Magnificence Tomáš Zima, Rector of Charles University in Prague and His Excellency Arndt Freiherr Freytag von Loringhoven, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Czech Republic. The event will take place in the conference hall of the Goethe Institut in Prague. In two days there will be several panels dedicated to various topic connected to current populism in Europe (theoretical approaches towards current populism, the impact of populism on the political and party systems, welfare chauvinism, populism in the coutries most affected by the crisis or populism in the new EU member countries). During the konference there will be four keynote speeches delivered by Iveta Radičová, Jacques Rupnik, Luke March and Othon Anastasakis.