Gender and Climate Finance: Double Mainstreaming for Sustainable Development

June 23, 2009

Climate change is real, it is happening already, and its impacts on people are not gender-neutral.  It is affecting men and women all over the world differently, especially in the world’s poorest countries and amongst the most vulnerable people and communities.  As women and men have different adaptive and mitigative capabilities, the financing instruments and mechanisms committed to climate change activities in mitigation and adaption need to take these gender-differentiated impacts into account in funds design and operationalization as well as concrete project financing.

The full report can be downloaded here.


I. Introduction

II. Overview of  Cost Estimates for Global Mitigation and Adaptation Measures

III. Important Climate Finance Fundamentals

IV. Proliferation of New Climate and Environment Funds

V. Gender Implications of New Climate Fund Focal Areas

1.  Some Gender Considerations of Mitigation Finance

A. Case in Point: A Closer Look at the CDM

B. The CDM and Gender Considerations

2. Some Gender Considerations of Adaptation Finance

3. Some Gender Considerations of REDD Financing

4. Some Gender Considerations of Domestic Emissions Permit Sales or Auctions

VI. The Evolving Climate Finance Architecture – Boom or Bust for Gender Equity?

VII. The Way Forward on Gender and Climate Finance – Some Recommendations