
Diverging Voices, Converging Policies: The Visegrad States’ Reactions to the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

The annexation of Crimea in March 2014 and the launch of a hybrid war against Ukraine was Russia’s answer to the revolution triggered by Euromaidan. The conflict continues to pose fundamental challenges for the European Union, and raises the question of whether the EU will maintain its commitment to the political and economic consolidation of those of its Eastern neighbours which aim to make sovereign choices based on the rule of law and democracy.


Food is a necessity. Food is personal. Food also has political and ethical dimensions that continually pose new questions about responsibility. The way in which we produce and consume meat affects many aspects of our lives and our environment: health, animal protection, food safety, agriculture, trade, environment and climate impacts are only some of these dimensions. In the Hungarian edition of the Meat Atlas ("Húsatlasz") we describe and illustrate these relationshops with an added chapter specifically focusing on the Hungarian context and data. 


Ecology and sustainable development are central areas for securing the future of humanity – areas which should by no means be treated as a political football. It is to the credit of the green movement within and outside parliaments that ecology has become one of the main arenas of politics. There is hardly another subject which, within the last 30 years, has been thus transformed from the concern of a few scientists, activists into a topic of world conferences.
