Kristóf Szombati Co-founder of the green party LMP (“Lehet Más a Politika“) Contributions: 21 October 2016 Introduction: The 1956 Hungarian uprising 21 October 2016 Dossier: The 1956 Hungarian uprising - present-day perspectives 2 June 2015 Why Hungarian voters are turning away from Fidesz and towards Jobbik 17 February 2015 Farewell Putin, viva “illiberal democracy”? The lessons of Angela Merkel’s visit to Budapest 4 June 2014 Hungary and the EU: in search of respect and solidarity 23 April 2014 Hungary: What can we expect from the next Orbán government? 24 March 2014 The beginning of the end? A subjective assessment of the political situation in Hungary 24 March 2014 Far right mobilization and the roots of anti-Roma sentiment in Hungary 24 March 2014 The betrayed republic. Hungary’s new Constitution and the “System of National Cooperation” 24 March 2014 European Elections in Hungary: New green party achieves unexpected success, but so does the radical right Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Next page Last page