Hannah Neumann is the Peace and Human Rights Coordinator for the Greens / EFA Group, Vice-Chair of the Human Rights Committee (DROI), Member the committees of the Foreign Affairs (AFET), Security and Defense Policy (SEDE) and Chair of the Delegation for Relations to the Arabian Peninsula (DARP).
Hannah Neumann studied and received her PhD in media sciences and peace and conflict research in Ilmenau, Berlin, Manila and Monrovia. Before joining the European Parliament, she was a self-employed consultant and consultant for peace projects, ia. in projects for the United Nations, the Society for International Cooperation, the European Commission, the DGAP, GPPi and aid organizations. She advised ministries and non-governmental organizations on campaigns on anti-discrimination, democracy promotion, local climate change and human rights. From 2013 until 2016, she worked as policy advisor in the German Bundestag.