Sharing Solutions: Transatlantic Cooperation for a low carbon economy
"Sharing Solutions: Transatlantic Cooperation for a Low-Carbon Economy" is the final publication of the project by the HBF’s offices in Brussels, Prague and Washington, DC. Building on its key findings, it analyzes conditions for progressive climate and energy policy at the regional/state level. It discusses how regions with a strong coal, manufacturing or rural economy are affected by climate and energy policies, and how way policies should be designed to soften the impact of structural change toward a low-carbon economy. For more on our activities, articles, interviews, and videos from the public events, we also invite you to visit the website of The Climate Network
We invited decision-makers, experts and activists from a broad range of political convictions and regions, all of whom have been valuable partners throughout this two-year program, and can share important lessons on how to build a functioning low-carbon economy. The goal is to establish true transatlantic leadership on the way to a globally sustainable, lowcarbon economy—for despite economic and political challenges, the transatlantic climate community remains strong and committed to moving ahead. The Heinrich Böll Foundation will continue to actively promote this process where it can.