Restless Cities: Lessons from Central Europe

Restless Cities: Lessons from Central Europe is based on the training programme Enhancing Sustainable Urban Development in Local Politics organized by the Heinrich Böll Foundation for professionals active in the field of urban planning and development with a strong interest in cross-sector cooperation and in making our cities more sustainable and inclusive.

The programme was implemented as an educational journey through Central European cities in four thematic modules between November 2016 and September 2017. With a group of 20 participants, we explored progressive initiatives, policies and pilot projects focusing on affordable housing in Brno, participatory processes in Prague, urban development in Bratislava and influencing strategies in the urban development of Budapest.

This book is a summary documenting an exploration of projects and people operating in complex political constellations. It aims to enhance the reader’s strategic thinking and orientation in the wide network of relationships that are typical for city planning and development projects.

Product details
Date of Publication
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, WPS Prague
Language of publication