Energy and Climate

Climate and Resources

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Prague seminar and papers on way ahead from Copenhagen

February 15, 2010 - The Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (HBS) follows up on the outcome of the Copenhagen summit with the Prague seminar on March 3 and a series of analysis: Sascha Müller-Kraenner looks at how Europe can revive the multilateral climate proceedings with a convincing strategy and the HBS staff from around the globe provides in the study "Failure or Opportunity ?" the sum up of how the outcome of COP 15 is perceived in different regions. Follow the proceeding of the Prague seminar on video. more here »

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Copenhagen Climate Conference

- December 7, 2009 - From December 7 to 18, 2009 the climate summit in Copenhagen is taking place. Briefing Paper of Heinrich Böll Foundation and German Watch titled "Substance or Greenwash Show?" identifies main dangers for a Greenwash agreement in Copenhagen and provides background information about the conference topics. more»

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Road to Copenhagen: The EU and the US – Driving Forces for a Succesful Post 2012 Agreement?

- October 5, 2009 - The conference organised by the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the Ministry of Environment provided good opportunity for exchange and debate among the climate diplomats, government officials, experts, business and NGOs representatives and interested public (over 160 participants). The main aim of the conference, the biggest of its kind in the new EU member states this year, was to assess where the EU, USA and other key players stay shortly before the Copenhagen Climate Conference (COP 15) this December. more»

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Refocusing Europe's Leadership Role in Climate Change

- October 7, 2009 - “What Europe must understand is that its real leadership ambition should concentrate
on being the first to create a low carbon economy. The real breakthrough for
climate policy will not come through diplomacy. Rather, the breakthrough will come
as countries learn to understand that saving the climate will help save their economies
and safeguard their security.” Reinhard Bütikofer»

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Climate Justice vs A Deal in Copenhagen

- July 23, 2009 - Negotiations for a post-2012 international climate change agreement are in full swing. Delirious negotiators are racking up their frequent flyer ‘carbon’ miles and this is set to continue; recent negotiations in Bonn were so unsuccessful that government officials do not even hide their displeasure at the fact that they will have to return to the city during their August vacation to spend more time in the familiar confines of the Maritim Hotel. Roderick Kefferpütz, Claude Weinber more»