
Sharing Solutions: Transatlantic Cooperation for a low carbon economy

This publication analyzes conditions for progressive climate and energy policy at the regional and state level. It discusses how regions with a strong coal, manufacturing or rural economy are affected by climate and energy policies, and how new policies should be designed to soften the impact of structural change toward a low-carbon economy.

Refocusing Europe's Leadership Role in Climate Change

What europe must understand is that its real leadership ambition should concentrate on being the first to create a low carbon economy. the real breakthrough for climate policy will not come through diplomacy. Rather, the breakthrough will come as countries learn to understand that saving the climate will help save their economies and safeguard their security.

Fairness in Global Climate Change Finance

It is now well established that action to avoid dangerous climate change must take place according to the principles of ‘responsibility and capability’, and the UN’s Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) subscribes to this view. Morally and in political terms developed countries should lead global mitigation by making significant domestic emissions reductions.

The Right to Development in a Climate Constrained World

Climate science tells us that we’ve pushed beyond ‘dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system,’ and are on the verge of committing to catastrophic interference. In this context, it’s necessary to raise our heads, if only for a moment, from the tactical scrum, and to consider brute necessity. - A report by Paul Baer and Tom Athanasiou of EcoEquity and Sivan Kartha of the Stockholm Environment Institute, with the support of Christian Aid and the Heinrich Böll Foundation.